Dissertation Made Easy -9- Use The Tools That Got You Through

In order to make it to the point that you a doctorate student, thinking about your dissertation or even be a candidate getting started on your dissertation, you have accomplished a lot. In this critical juncture of the journey, don’t let that escape you. You are not just smart; you are also a very capable and accomplished individual. Many students make the mistake of forgetting this and can become limited by their insecurities. This is a great time to pull from your past experiences; remember what has worked for you throughout your academic career and applies those tools to help you now. The tools that you used to prepare for exams and tools that helped you write some of your best papers can all help you now if you choose to apply them. Take some time to think about this and see what you come up with. Remember, this is your dissertation- you have to make the process work for you.

Get your copy of Six Months to Doctor for more tools http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -8- Communicate With Your Committee

When you select your committee you will be selecting some brilliant individuals who have a lot to offer to your dissertation team. One grave mistake that many students make is that after selecting this power team, they don’t work with them. When students go off to work on their dissertation without communicating with their advisors they leave much room for error. Why would you want to just go off and try to envision what your advisors would want you to include when you can find it out from them? Do not underestimate the power of discussions with your dissertation team. Instead of coming back months later with a 400 page document that’s missing some things your advisors want to see in it, you may have a 300 or 500 paper, but it will have what’s needed. Faculty who agree to advise students take that responsibility seriously. They are committed helping students. They want to see you succeed, but they will not sign off on a document until it meets their standards.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -7- Discovering Research Interests

The spring semester is in full swing and the work continues.  Did you know that the time that you are enrolled in classes is your best tool for finding a dissertation topic?  Many people come into their programs with some ideas of what they want to conduct their dissertation research on.  Still many others don’t have a clue.  As you complete papers for classes this is a good way to really begin to explore research interests. If you have already completed classes… No Worries… take a look through the papers that you have written for your classes over these past years. Look for the trends.  These trends are a great tool to help you see what research areas have been tugging at your attention. And the best part is that you’ll find you already have a nice chunk of the research and reading done.

So if you are still struggling to pin point your dissertation research topic, just take some time to do a little reading.  You may find some great surprises.  I can already tell you’ll like the author. :)

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -6- Benefits of Breaks

Happy New Year to all… Hopefully you took advantage of the holidays to give yourself a dissertation break.  From Twitter to Facebook and more, I see people talking about how they did not do dissertation work over the break.  That is a great ting if you use it right.  Taking breaks allow you to be away from the work and refresh your mind and body.  So now that the vacation is over, focus on putting your new ideas and relaxed state to work.  Your first day back may be slow, but don’t worry momentum will return.  If you think you have nothing new, then review what is already written.  If you did not take time off during the holidays, schedule something.  It is vital to your progress that you get breaks.  This actually saves you time.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -5- Selecting Your Committee

When you get ready to begin your dissertation, one of your first tasks is to select a committee.  This is one of the most important decisions that you will make.  You dissertation committee could be your strongest allies or your biggest road block.  These are the people who will get to say yay or nay on your dissertation.  These have to be people that you can work with and who will work with you.  They can help you or they can stump your forward progress.  Take time and carefully make this decision.  How well you select could determine how smoothly your dissertation goes.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -4- Top Dissertation Mistake

Did you know that many doctoral candidates can spend more time fixing, revising, or editing their dissertations than they do working on the research and writing? I always wondered what that was about. What I discovered was that by communicating clearly with the members of your committee, you can get a clear idea of their expectations and meet them the first time around. You will still have editing to do, but you can limit the number of times your submissions are kicked back. That’s what I did and it worked very well for me.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -3- Resources For Those Who Seek Them

If you were to conduct a Google search, you are bound to find countless listings for services offering dissertation assistance.  Many students have successfully used these services.  One of the main things that we can learn from this new trend is that you don’t have to work on your dissertation.

While many people are comfortable hiring someone to help them do some of the work, it is more difficult to reach out to others and “I need your help”.  During the time you are working on a dissertation, having a supportive network is one of the most important things you need in place.  It’s not just having people who are there to cheer you on, you need to also have people whom you can c all on for help.  Of-course you have to be able and willing to reach out and ask them to help you.  Having a string network will not just save you frustration, this can save a lot of time as well.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -2- Making it a Pleasant Journey

When you think of dissertation, many people think of this ginormous project with bells and whistles.  It is expected to be this major accomplishment and doctoral candidates expect that it would be grueling.  It is indeed all those things.  Completing a dissertation is a triumph, and I believe that anyone who makes it through should be very proud.  Somewhere along the years, we got it in our minds that a dissertation had to be extra hard.  It doesn’t.  The dissertation in itself is a great achievement.  It is indeed going to require much original work that only the candidate can do.  There are resources that are available that can help the process go smoothly.  It takes more time to fix something than to do it right the first time.  When working on your dissertation, get a lot of help to do every part right the first time.  Many student spend more time revising than they do writing their dissertations.  There are many people who are available and willing to help you.  I don’t mean an online service you buy either.  People on your campus and in your life who want to help you get your degree.  You just need to know how to benefit from that.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

Dissertation Made Easy -1- Have a Dissertation Schedule

The dissertation is the reason many doctorate students spend too much time s doctoral candidates or ABDs. Suddenly free of deadlines and due dates, many students find the “freedom” overwhelming. The lack of structure often makes it more difficult for candidates to set and follow in a specific direction. When faced with freedom and temptation from every direction on how to occupy this “free time” it’s very easy to get side tracked. If you can set and stick with a schedule, then you can give yourself a serious edge. With my clients I recommend keeping the schedule they had during classes. It’s already an established and dedicated time for school work.

For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at http://LakayPublishing.com

Stay tuned to my websites for more tips… www.DrJudiC.com.  Feel free to ask questions.

How to boost a man's self-esteem

Men’s sense of self is more often tied to abilities, they are more into what they can do. Whereas a woman can get a quick boost from a personal compliment, for a man, a compliment about a skill or talent is likely to lead to that same boost quicker. Please don’t mistake this to mean that men are not in tune with their inner selves, because many of them are. Many men have gone through the process of exploring the depth of their souls and come to appreciate who they are greatly. For those men, being able to see, appreciate and acknowledge that inner peace and confidence in him can go a long way. Of-course that would in most cases require knowing this person on deeper level and taking time to see those innermost qualities.
There are a few on the surface things that can help. Making a man feel needed is on that is often a sure fire way to get there. Unfortunately, today’s independent women have been chipping away at this little tool. You pay your own bills, can change your own tires or call AAA, and you will hire someone to mow the lawn on the house that you bought. Every now and again, though it would not be so bad to let him help with some of the manly stuff, like the car or something with the house. You know you could take care of it, but it’s nice to have him do it for you and he relieves you of the pressure or responsibility of having to handle it. One less thing to worry about.
This brings me to my next point. When a man does something for you, whether it is because you could not do it or because you allowed him to help, be appreciative. People want to help, but no one wants to feel unappreciated. No matter how little or how big the deed, it’s important that he knows that his efforts are appreciated. Otherwise he has no incentive to want to help again, and you will both be denying him the opportunity to step up and do more of these things that should make him feel great.
Rewards are great at any age. The last thing I asked of a man, was to come tighten the lug nuts after I changed a tire. Do you think after he came to do this in the middle of his workday that I planned something special for him? You better believe it! He needs to know that he is appreciated. Sincerely telling him is one ay, but it’s also nice to do things for him as well. And this does not mean going all out. It could be as simple as a special dinner that is planned with his preferences in mind. This is simple enough that it could be done for a friend or your man.
Treating a man special is something that is too often overlooked but is such a great tool. Many men will say that this is not their thing, but a spa day is such a great gift. The massage, the facial, the mani/pedi can all be tailored for the manly man (in my immaturity – I still laugh at the clear polish on the nails though). In today’s tougher economic time, it may not be as easy to afford the day at the spa, but providing all the services for him at home may work just as well.
Game day preparations are also a big hit for the sports aficionado. Whether you get everything ready and leave after you get his boys to come over, or it’s a party for two (if you’re WATCHING the game too); when you plan it with him in mind he will feel it.
Taking him to the game is one that can work with your man or any other male in your life. A day about him, where he is picked up (you do the driving no matter how far) and you take care of everything until you drop him home. When you go through the trouble of making a day about someone, that says “I think you are important”, and it validates this person’s place in your life. He will also be thinking “I must really be important for someone to go through all the trouble of planning a day for me”, and that will have a positive impact on his views of self as well. Everyone wants to feel that they matter.
Looks are important too. Just as a woman likes to hear that she’s beautiful when she gets all dolled up, and man will enjoy that too. Men also put forth the effort to smell nice, so when he does smell nice that should also be complimented. Smiles, teeth, eyes and whatever else comes up are also good targets for compliments as well. The catch to making the most impact with a compliment is to lead with it. When a person compliments you first, there is that rule of politeness that you feel the need to return it. No matter how genuine the returned compliment, sometimes it can feel less than heartfelt or you run the risk of the person thinking that you were just returning their compliment. When you lead with a compliment, there is not as much wiggle room for the interpretation of your intent – It’s a compliment.
During the harder times, things get a little tricky. For instance, in these economic times when there are many men who are unemployed. If yours is one of them it’ll be hard on both of you. To start, you may need a book of affirmations (I’m only partly joking with this one). If your man is at that stage he may need you now more than ever, because when he doubts, he needs you to believe in him. He needs to know that you are behind him no matter what. These are the times for the SILENT sacrifices; when you have to pass on something you want, and not complain about it. This is when you don’t go to the concert and plan a nice romantic evening at home instead. It will be hard to work the extra hours and then come home to look over his new cover letter, but your devotion will motivate him to keep trying.
It is true that actions do speak louder than words, but words can also be very powerful. As a therapist, when working with children who were aggressive and getting into fights, I remember teaching them this statement “hands are for helping, not for hurting”. They would memorize it and eventually we got to where they would say it either out loud or just think it when they were angry and wanted to hit someone. This technique took time but once mastered had a good success rate. Adults do get into the physical altercations as much but they can be hurtful with their words. Sometimes it is out of anger or just a purely unintentional slip, but once the words are out they cannot be put back in. The best measure is place a filter between the thought and the verbalization.
Try this exercise that can be used with anyone in your life. When you get ready to say something take a moment to evaluate the potential impact of the words you are going to say. As you do this you will remind yourself “words are for helping, not for hurting”. If you find that the words you were ready to utter are not going to help the person, take a second to find a more positive response before you speak. Use words to empower him. The intent should always be to build him back up, not bring him further down.

Five things you can do:
1. Tell him you believe in him.
2. Show and tell him that he is appreciated.
3. Acknowledge his successes.
4. Wish him well when he’s down, if you pray tell him you pray for him.
5. Remind him how great he is.


I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…

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