Study design is a very important component of the dissertation journey. The decision between qualitative and quantitative can be challenging but it does not need to be. The question that students ask often is which is easier. The answer is: Both and Neither. They both had the potential to be as easy as they can be a nightmare.
A quantitative study can be very easy if you have ready access too your sample and can get them to willingly participate in your study. At the same time a quantitative study requires many more participants to gain validity. If you can’t get enough people, then that’s a problem.
When you have ready access to conduct in-depth interviews with a small group of participants, a qualitative study a breeze of a task. If the experiences are so different that you can’t really see the trends or draw conclusions, that level of difficulty can quickly increase.
Instead of which one would be easiest, look to see which one would be more effective in helping you get the information you need. Then look at the level of accessibility of your population. You’ll likely find the answer to the question you really mean to ask- Which one would be easiest for MY study?
Design your methodology around your research. Not the other way around.
For more dissertation tips order your copy of Six Months to Doctor: How to Complete a Dissertation in Six Months today at
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Quality blog post. I am browsing back persistently to look for more tips.
Important advice! I have been previously trying to find something such as this for a while now. Thanks!